Monday, September 11, 2006

My Dream Last Night!

Boy, did I have a cool dream last night!

It started off as me hanging out with someone and we were talking about death and how she knew that if you killed yourself a certain way, you could "live" in a surreal realm or something like that. So being me, I did it haha. The only way I can describe it was me jumping into a pit, feet first, and, remembering my friend's instructions, I landed on a rock sticking out of the wall and my I felt my spine start to break in slow motion, section by section. I know this sounds really bloody and morbid, but it's defintely not how it seemed, I swear! God I just lost 3/4 of my friends haha. Anyway...

I had a little blackout and I woke up in what seemed to be a normal environment. However, all the people around me were dead! They all looked like normal human beings, which was the cool part. I don't remember much else, but it's just cool because I saw death in a different light. I dunno I'm not a pothead, I swear!!

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