Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mini Update 7/29/08

Hey y'all -

So a few things are new...

1) Justin and Tiffany are coming to visit me from Los Angeles!! I'm so excited! We just need to pin down a long weekend... Hopefully we can do that soon.

2) I setup my first job interview for a full-time post-college job. It's with Enterprise Rent-a-Car's management training program. I'm very excited to learn more about what the career path is.

3) I've really been focusing on surrounding myself with good people. I'm starting to drop friends that don't really add anything to my life and making new ones. It's hard sometimes to cut ties with people, especially if you've known them for a while, but I have to do what's best for me.

4) Alexa showed me a bunch of weight training exercises yesterday and I'm going to start working out. The bad news is that she said if I want to lose my gut, I pretty much *have* to do cardio, which I hate. But whatever - I just want to get healthy.

Leave me some comments!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Longggg Time No Write.

I know it's been a while but I just want to say a few things.

First - I had a long conversation with a friend and I realized that what I'm missing in my life is other people to complete me. Not necessarily a significant other; just people that I can surround myself with that are good, genuine people. All this time I have been thinking that what I was lacking was a significant other but I finally am realizing that I am the only one that can mend that.

Second - I really like my new look that I have going on and I'd love some feedback! I need to lose weight ASAP - that will definitely complete the look.

Third - My tags are FINALLY back up @ http://picasaweb.google.com/jordan.irazabal.

Friday, July 11, 2008

It's a New Day, Bitches.

This entry is in two parts - the first highlights the past few weeks and the second speaks of some changes I am making in my life.

Part One

The past two weeks have flown by and I have only done a few notable things. Tuesday the Espinas came over for dinner. That was a total blast. We all ate good food, went swimming, and played some games in the basement. Robert and Nilsa had to practically pry Julian and Roberto away from darts. I met my friend Alex for lunch on Friday - that was fun! We went to Ruby Tuesday, shopping for furniture for his new place, and to Greenville for some tag hunting. Good times! After I dropped him off, I headed up to the Espina's house for a 4th of July BBQ. We all just hung out, ate, played Xbox, etc. That was fun also! I went to Tom's family's place in Sea Isle City, NJ from Monday to Wednesday - that was a blast also! We all just relaxed, went to the beach, played ladderball, went out to eat, and explored the shore. Good times! The rest of the week I just hung out basically. Today I picked up my dad from PHL and had to wait 90 freakin minutes because the flight was delayed. BUT I'm home now.

Part Two

My parents are setting an amazing example by the actions they are taking to be debt-free by 2014. When I say "debt-free" I mean everything - their credit card, their cars, their MORTGAGE. Everything. My dad and I had a long talk on the way home from the airport tonight and, frankly, there are a few changes I need to make. I won't go into specifics on here but I am very excited that things are finally starting to come together and that someone is FINALLY hounding me on this. You know, I always say that I need to learn from my own mistakes but this time, I am learning from someone else's.

Good night :]