Monday, March 10, 2008

WTF, mate?


I feel the need to share some recent events in my life. I shall enumerate them:

1 - Friends. Why can't I find any decent friends? All I want is someone that understands me, someone that shares the same viewpoints as I do, and someone that I don't have to argue with every five seconds. A friendship shouldn't be constant fighting. At least not in my book. And I don't care what you think - we're going by my book now. The only good friends I have are selected members of my family and people that I've met over the internet. Now I realize that my "online friends" can't be so close, but they're awesome to talk to and I really enjoy their company. You know who you are. You're loved.

2 - Disappointments. I'm really upset at a certain person. I won't reveal his/her name because it's not appropriate for me to reveal that information without their consent. I found out that this person smokes cigarettes. They have been since they were 18. Now I believe that people can do what they want but I've known this person quite a long time and I know that they only smoke to be accepted. They say it's because they want to look and feel good, but most of us strive to look as good and feel as well as possible to be liked by more and more people? Especially the "important" ones. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's when people put up a façade, especially to impress people. Why can't you just be true to yourself?

3 - Sleep. I need to start sleeping better. It's imperative. That's it. :]

4 - Eat. I need to start eating better. That's also imperative.

5 - School. I've really been studying a lot and actually doing homework. But I got an 85 on both exams I just took. It's just a little bit troubling. I'll be fine though.

6 - Fashion. One thing that has been bothering me is how people treat fashion. I'll make this short and sweet. I don't like how people buy fashion just to be seen. I like buying labels because they're [usually] more durable, better quality, and it shows people that you care about what you have. I'm well-aware that it also makes people think you're a tool, but whatever. People shouldn't be so judgmental.

I want to end this entry with something that I truly believe in.

"It's less important to be right than to do the right thing."

Thanks for reading and caring,
